Waiver FAQ's

When memberships expire, will members be required to sign another waiver? 

Yes, members are required to agree to the wavier again on renewal or if 365 days or more have passed.

For members with a recurring subscription, they will be prompted to agree to the waiver again the next time they log into, or open the app after renewal has occurred. They will also receive an email notifying them and providing a link to agree.

Can a waiver be agreed to more than once?

Yes. These options need to be switched on in the admin app.

  1. Go to 'Waivers' in the side menu
  2. Select the relevant waiver to open up the details panel
  3. Toggle on whichever option you require at the top right hand corner

When will a member be required to sign a waiver?

In the following scenarios:

  1. Any member paying or activating a membership will be required to agree to a waiver if the Membership Package requires it. This is determined by the organisation and cannot be bypassed.
  2. If a member with an existing account renews their membership, they will need to agree to the waiver again.
  3. If 12 months have passed since the waiver was agreed to. i.e: for a lifetime membership
  4. Each time another family member who is a minor is added in the app, the Primary Family Member will be required to agree to the waiver on their behalf.

This is how it will work for the user:

  • On the digital card, select the family icon
  • Edit my family
  • Pay for additional children
  • Enter name to agree to the waiver. The family members that the Primary is signing on behalf of will be listed above the T & C's button.

Note: If the family member is an adult with an email address, they will be sent an email to agree to the waiver.

In all of the above scenarios, the digital card screen will remain on amber until the waiver is agreed to.

Amber screen
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