Short term membership set up

Start with the Individual membership package as a template to create a short term membership.

The options under the Advanced tab allow for a fully tailored membership package set up. Here's an example.

In the option below, this 14 Day Membership is set up to only have access to some partner deals and be available to purchase up to 6 months in advance, with an editable start date. This is set up with the following features;

  • Access to specific deals only - these can be selected under the Deal Access tab
  • Removed from member upon expiry - if this membership package is accessed via a QR code or offered for a limited time only, it means that once 14 days have elapsed, this specific membership can't be purchased again without scanning the QR Code again
  • Custom duration - this is where you can set the period of membership. The membership will expire and the user will become inactive once the duration has passed
  • Allow future start date - The user can select the date they require the membership to start
  • Maximum advance start date - enter a number into the box and select 'Days' or 'Months' from the drop down menu. In this example, the membership can be purchased up to 6 months in advance. The user can select the date they require the membership to start and can activate it at any time after payment if they wish
  • Editable start date - the user can change the date for activation at any time after payment if they wish, up until the membership is active
  • Allow user to activate manually - at any time before the membership activates, the user can choose to 'Activate Now'. They will have to confirm this, to prevent accidental activation
  • Sends the user a custom expiration email.
Advanced tab

Here's a detailed article about the advanced membership options.

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