Connect to Mailchimp

Once you have connected your Mailchimp account any new users that create an account with your organisation in Hivepass will be copied as a contact to Mailchimp.

This integration will only import contacts that are newly registered or their membership status has changed.

If you have contacts already in Hivepass that you want to import into Mailchimp then you can export these as a CSV and manually import these into Mailchimp. See at the end of this document "How to import all existing contacts in Hivepass into Mailchimp" on how to do this.

Steps to connect

  1. Go to Settings -> Application Settings -> Integrations, turn on Mailchimp.
  2. Remember to click "Save" πŸ˜‰.
  3. Go to Settings -> Mailchimp.
  4. Click "Connect Mailchimp".
  5. Follow the prompts enter your Mailchimp login and then connect Hivepass by clicking "Allow".
  6. Select the Mailchimp audience that you want the contacts created in. e.g. the audience below is called "Hivepass" 
    1. Please note that if you are using an existing audience then you will need to make any existing merge fields optional or the contacts will not import from Hivepass.
      1. See the link in the email below, it has instructions for how to set these fields to optional.
      2. In Mailchimp, go to Audience>>All Contacts>>Settings>>Audience fields and |MERGE| tags and make sure only the email field is set as required.
  7. All done πŸ™ŒMore details
  • The contacts will all have the tags "hivepass" and "hp-active" or "hp-inactive" depending on if they are an active member or not. This way you can send emails to members only.
  • If you change a users email it is also reflected in Mailchimp.
  • The Hivepass member code is added as a field to the contact in Mailchimp.
  • Give it a try and let me know how it works, any questions or suggestions let us know πŸ‘‹

How to import all existing contacts in Hivepass into Mailchimp

  1. Log in to the Hivepass admin app.
  2. Click on active member status to filter by this.
    1. Click the Export CSV button on the members page in Hivepass.
    2. Rename the file - [clubname]-active-[date].csv
    3. Edit the file in excel or google sheets to remove all columns except the name and email.
  3. Click on the other member statuses to filter by this.
    1. Click Export CSV.
    2. Rename the file - [clubname]-inactive-[date].csv
    3. Edit the file in excel or google sheets to remove all columns except the name and email.
  4. This gives you two files. One with active members and one with inactive.
    1. Note that these have the date in the filename so the earliest on is the active one. Don't mix these up!
  5. Log in to Mailchimp.
  6. Go to Audience -> All Contacts
  7. Click on Add Contacts -> Import Contacts
  8. Select "Upload a file".
  9. Select the CSV file you exported from Hivepass with active members.
  10. Click "Continue to organize"
  11. Select the correct audience.
    1. Do not tick "Update any existing contacts".
  12. Click "Continue to tag".
  13. Add "hivepass" and "hp-active" tags
  14. Click "Continue to match".
  15. Click "Continue to subscribe".
  16. Select "Subscribed" and click "Finalize import".
  17. Click "Complete Import".
  18. All done πŸ™Œ.
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