Expired credit cards

Work in progress...


If they can't update the expired card or can't be bothered it retries the card once a week for 4 weeks then it will cancel the recurring subscription and send them an email.  At that point they can just sign up again if they want to.

Automatic card expiry update

Some cards for certain card issuers will automatically update the expiry date if they get a new card with the same number and the user will not need to do anything. Over time more issuers will be providing this feature.

How to change or update a card as a member

  1. Open the Hivepass mobile app
  2. Go to the side menu and click on "My Account"
  3. Click on the "Cards" tab.
  4. Click on "Manage My Cards"
  5. Click "Let's Go"
  6. Add the new payment method (card) and remove the invalid payment method (card) 
    1. Click "Return ..." in the top left to go back to Hivepass
  7. In the user has a subscription payment that has failed but they are still a member (can see their digital card / no red screen) then this means that the payment will be attempted again with the new payment method and they just need to wait.
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